![]() I recently saw on social media something advertised that just sounded too good to be true… Shampoo for pets which doesn’t need water, called Nilaqua Pet Shampoo! I laughed to myself as I thought "how’s that going to work?" I’ve seen ladies dry shampoo and it never looks great to me. Anyway being intrigued I had to take a look online and wow it sounded brilliant and the YouTube video on their website also looked good. Put the liquid on, scrub it a bit and then wipe off with a towel…. Simple as that. Well my dog Otto is a typical German Shorthaired Pointer and can smell poo a mile away and I have lost count of the number of times he has rolled in something stinky! Sometimes he’ll need a bath 3 times a week, not ideal with a 26kg dog who doesn’t like cold hoses so has to be washed upstairs in the bath. I got in touch with Nilaqua and asked if I could try a bottle of their shampoo in return for a blog review… They kindly agreed and below is the result of my first use after Otto rolled in mud and sheep poo - very stinky!! So, how did it work? See for yourself below with my before and after photos... It was very easy, I just put a bit of the liquid on Otto's hair, scrubbed away to get it nice and foamy and then just simply wiped it away... It really is that easy! I think you can see yourself that it worked and the only thing you can't see is the smell which was lovely and fresh - much much better than sheep poo that's for sure! So my advice to you is if you have a dog that likes to roll in poo or get really muddy and you don't have the time, patience or available water to give them a bath then you should definitely try some Nilaqua Pet Shampoo. I've already had to use it on Otto a few more times since the sheep poo incident! Product photos...Otto posing with his Nilaqua...
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Blog/NewsThis is my blog about what I am up to with both my camera and my dogs Otto & Hazen. Archives
April 2018